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Health and Safety
- House of Hearing
Where you can get the highly recommended Elacin ear plugs fitted in Scotland
- Hearing Direct
A well designed site which offers an online hearing test and affordable hearing aids. They have a no quibble money back guarantee
- Boots hearingcare
Similar to the above. I have no experience of the products advertised on either of these sites so can not personally recommend them - but the info they contain may be helpful
- Canadian Hearing Society
Lots of useful info, tables etc. about noise levels and durations
- Earplug Super Store
Advice on earplugs. Ships to anywhere in the world. You can buy off-the-shelf
ER20s from them
- Free Hearing Test An entertaining site!
Take a free hearing text and listen to the sounds of nature
- Online Hearing TestA very well thought out test run by Specsavers.
It gives fine gradations of sound volume, so noise cancelling earphones work well with it
- “A Sound Ear-II” by Alison Wright Reid An influential document exploring
the issues of noise damage in orchestras. This is a downloadable pdf document
- Look up specific hearing problems on the MEDLINEplus site
Focal Dystonia